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     One of the highlights of a slow, hot, non-air conditioned summer in Sherman, Texas, during the 50’s was Vacation Bible School.  I worked out the timing of all the different church offerings and hit as many as I could.  There were plenty of pretty girls, air conditioning, activities, air conditioning, singing, air conditioning, stories, air conditioning, crafts and refreshments in air conditioned comfort.   Our home had no air conditioning…no one had it and I sought it out in any possible form.  It was hotter than an oven in Sherman in the summer months.  We rarely took a vacation and the Vacation Bible School circuit (regardless of the denomination) was an opportunity to escape the blazing heat and bask in the glow of Christian love, cold air and iced refreshments.   

     I began the circuit with our own Key Memorial Methodist Church.   On the first day, much to my dismay, we were herded outside into the furnace-like heat for refreshments.  Mrs. Dorothy Matthews  deftly broke a two-stick popsicle in half and handed each half to an anxious child.     One had to get that popsicle consumed before the 100-plus degree heat reduced it to a sticky liquid that ran down your arm and dried into a sugary scab-like appendage.
     Halfway through the week, a fellow student I remember only as Eddie (I was impressed with his sense of entitlement and independence) proclaimed we were being cheated and as God fearing, obedient Methodist children, we were entitled…NO, IT WAS OUR INALIENABLE RIGHT to receive both halves of that popsicle.  Eddie succeeded in starting a minor riot, reminiscent of a James Cagney prison cafeteria upheaval.  However, Mrs. Matthews gently said that was not going to happen and did we want the half she offered?  As fast as a popped balloon, Eddie lost our support and became a “has been” militant leader.  I reasoned I had enough difficulty dealing with half a popsicle in the inferno-like heat…a two stick popsicle would have been doomed from the start.

     Vacation Bible School taught me a lot about the love of Jesus… and when to negotiate.  I learned you do not have a lot of leverage when you receive free refreshments  and once consumed,  you get to return to the company of pretty Christian girls, in air-conditioned comfort.


  1. Yep, VBS was a favorite of mine in the 70s ad 80s. I vividly remember Rev Robert H Thompson of Trinity United Presbyterian Church singing, "Do your ears hand low, do thy obble to and thro..." and Father Abraham, among many others and just really enjoying the pot luck dinners and knowing Jesus really does love me. Thanks for reminding me of some really great times!


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