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      I am blessed with many outstanding feminine friends from my youth.  Some wonderful personalities, demonstrated strengths, and attitudes that stayed with them and served to make for great spouses, parents and citizens.    

     A friend to this day, is my buddy Kay Kimbrough McKinney.  Kay and I dated a bit during high school and I enjoy her dry wit and original sense of humor.    She would always express what was on her mind and I never had to wonder what she was thinking.  I was her date to a dance and donned a pair of new red, spangly, corduroy trousers.  My father remarked I looked like a cross between Santa and Tinker Bell.    I ignored him, drove to Kay’s home and could hear her voice inside, before she opened the front door.    “OH, NO…NO, NO, NO…she stepped outside, suggested we get in my car and return to my house.  She walked with me up the steps to our home and waited in the living room while I changed into a more conservative pair of trousers.  My father was howling with laughter and glee.  I sulked for a bit, but had to admit there must be something to their independent assessments of my wardrobe selection and realized why they were on sale.

     However, my most infamous incident with Kay was calling her on a weekend afternoon and asking if she wanted to get together.  She said OK, come on over and pick her up.  I went to her home and in retrospect, I believe she thought we were going to go out for ice cream or something.

     I showed up at the Kimbrough family front door with my baby brothers female rabbit.  I needed to drop this rabbit into the cage with Kay’s little brother’s male rabbit, so she could be made into a “family way”, which my brother needed as part of a boy scout project in Animal Husbandry.  After I explained the nature of my visit, Kay looked at me for a long moment and incredulously asked, “This is why you came over? So your rabbit could have sex?”

     We went to the back yard, opened the top of the cage and the male rabbit (Oliver) stood on his back legs, prayers answered and reached up for his “new gift.”   It must have felt like a spiritual blessing of “manna from heaven” for this otherwise isolated bunny, who is suddenly gifted with female companionship... for the first time in his life. 

     Kay was miserably uncomfortable with the entire scenario…frowning and shaking her head, as Oliver was already pursuing the task before the lady rabbit was out of my hands.  It WAS uncomfortable to sit with your high school “date” and watch rabbits in an act of love, so we retreated to give them some privacy.  (Oliver performed admirably…the poor guy later died when some neighborhood thug dogs broke into his cage and snuffed out his life.  But at least he died minus his virginity and began his journey into eternity with the gift of parenthood.)  I gathered our impregnated rabbit to return to my brother and thereby concluded my “date” with Kay…she was none too impressed.

     However, with a smile on her face, Kay bid me adieu with ever so subtle sarcasm, saying… 

“Well, this is another big one I can scratch off of my THINGS I NEED TO DO BEFORE I DIE LIST…

-Going out on a date in my own backyard and watch rabbits mate.

Bucky, you really know how to show a girl a good time!”

(See?…You never had to wonder what she was thinking.) 


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